Useful CLI commands
3 minute read

These are just reminders/documentation for me because I don’t want to remember them. It is not a guide for anything, it just has commands and tricks I use when reinstalling OS or fixing someone’s computer. Please don’t copy/paste commands without knowing what they do.

  • GNU/Linux

    • install and setup nnn, a cli file manager

        sudo apt install nnn
        sudo apt install moreutils
        sudo apt install renameutils
        nano ~/.bashrc
        # add the following
        export EDITOR='nano'
        export VISUAL='nano'
        export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1
    • Remap right alt key with context menu button (I miss the context button on my ThinkPad)

        // add this to your startup script to make it permanent
        xmodmap -e "keycode  108 = Menu"
    • wordpress: fix file permission issues

        sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
        sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
        sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
    • awk

        awk '/regex/'
        awk '!/regex/'
        awk 'BEGIN{a=5; b=2.5; print a+b}'
        awk '{sub(/:/, "-")} 1' // substitution
        awk '{gsub(/:/, "-")} 1'
    • Rename files in bulk using regex

        for f in *.ttf; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed s/findthis/replacewiththis/)"; done
    • Make VS Code remember Github credentials; Easier if you are working with multiple accounts for work and personal.

        git config credential.helper store
    • Print exit code of previous-run program

        echo $?
    • if dpkg breaks while updating

        sudo dpkg --configure -a
        sudo apt --fix-broken install
    • to force remove a package

        sudo dpkg -P --force-depends <pkg-name>
    • copy from terminal to clipboard

        sudo apt install xsel
        echo "Hello" | xsel -ib
    • share files between devices on same network

        python3 -m  http.server
    • open editor to edit a command

        Ctrl+X Ctrl+E
    • get your IP

    • raspberry pi - resolve wifi issue

        sudo killall wpa_supplicant
        sudo wpa_supplicant -c/boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt -iwlan0

      if that doesn’t work

        sudo nano etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
        	ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
        sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        iface eth0 inet manual
        auto wlan0
        allow-hotplug wlan0
        iface wlan0 inet manual
        	wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
        sudo systemctl enable wpa_supplicant.service

      Thats it, reboot.

    • Play noise

      • pinknoise

          play -t sl -r48000 -c2 -n synth -1 pinknoise .1 60
      • whitenoise

          play -n synth 00:00:05 whitenoise
      • brownnoise as ocean waves

          play -n synth brownnoise synth pinknoise mix synth sine amod 0.3 10
  • Android

    • unlock bootloader

        fastboot devices
        fastboot oem unlock
        fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
        fastboot reboot
  • Windows

    • Flush DNS

        ipconfig /flushdns
        ipconfig /registerdns
        ipconfig /release
        ipconfig /renew
        netsh winsock reset
    • Power usage info

        powercfg -energy
    • PATH manipulation

        env | grep PATH
        echo $PATH
        export PATH=<previous-paths>:<new-path>
    • List network devices

        arp -a
    • Virtual Box issue on Windows 10 If you are not able to get Virtual Box in Windows, try running the following (as admin)

        dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
        bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

      Also make sure to remove the following from Windows Program and Features:

        * Hyper-V
        * Virtualizing Platform
    • Restart to UEFI settings

        shutdown -o -r -t 0
    • Restart graphics driver

        ctrl + shift + win + b
  • nodejs

    • Installing NPM

        curl -L | sudo sh
    • Clear node modules cache and install dependencies

        rm node_modules -r
        npm cache clean --force
        npm cache verify
        npm install
  • common CLI

    • youtube-dl - best audio

        youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0
    • termux - setting up, etc

      • settings file ~/.termux/

      • add extra touch keyboard buttons

          extra-keys = [ \
          	['ESC','|','/','HOME','UP','END','PGUP','DEL'], \
          	['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT','PGDN','BKSP'] \
      • reload settings
